Generally speaking, the number of children and the incomes of both parents determine how much child support is due. The costs of housing, utilities, food, child care, transportation, and clothes may be taken into account by the courts. They might also take into account the kids’ leisure and extracurricular activities.
The typical frequency of child support payments is weekly, bimonthly, or monthly. Either parent may request a modification of the terms in the event of a significant change in circumstances. A significant change in the requirements of the children or in the income of the custodial or non-custodial parent is required for the court to modify the amount of child support. A major sickness, incapacity, or loss of employment are examples of this.
A Sacramento attorney, Bartholomew & Wasznicky LLP, assists clients in creating and carrying out child support agreements. In addition to helping first-time parents understand the different expenses to take into account, such as child healthcare and schooling fees, they assess the parents’ finances to determine acceptable rates. In the case that circumstances change, Atty. Hal D. Bartholomew, the creator of the firm, can help with the petitioning process for adjustments.
The noncustodial father has little to no opportunity to object when the custodial parent—typically the mother—moves away and takes the kids with her. In the absence of evidence to the contrary from the father, recent rulings by the California Supreme Court have facilitated the ability of custodial moms to relocate out of state and take their children with them.
Financial troubles for either party in a child support case can be avoided with the assistance of an experienced and committed child support attorney. A knowledgeable Albany child support lawyer can represent their clients in family court or through arbitration or mediation. No matter how complicated the case may be, they are experienced in handling it.
As soon as possible, get in touch with your attorney if you are unable to pay the required amount of child support. If you don’t make child support payments, your driver’s license may be suspended and your paycheck may be garnished. Additionally, it may lower your credit score and make it harder for you to get work or rent an apartment. Unpaid child support may even result in jail time in certain situations. For this reason, it’s critical to get in touch with an experienced child support lawyer as soon as you suspect a problem.